Marjorie’s Sleek and Slender Testimony

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Marjorie’s Sleek and Slender Testimony

I was born a chubby baby. The chubbiness defined my physique all through my childhood, teenage, and young-adult years. I was always conscious about my being overweight especially because of the mean comments some people made to my face😞.

I got to know about Sleek and Slender, while at university, from an auntie. My turning point was in 1999 when I made my maiden steps to Sleek and Slender. I was a Year Two undergraduate student then. I was welcomed by a beautiful, cheerful, and pleasant lady! Jane it was.

My greatest fear as I chatted with Jane that morning was being asked to stand on the weighing scale😆. Well knowing that the figures on the scale would conflict with my age. Fortunately, Jane forgot to get me on the scale as she ushered me around.

I have since been a member of Sleek and Slender. A place where I have experienced wholesome health in many ways🤗. From exercise to healthy feeding habits to making friends and finding my role model. As well as lots of learning and wisdom from Jane, the messages on the walls and interaction with other members. Oh, oh, oh, the kabozi, loud laughter and ambience at Sleek nourish my soul😀.

The principles I learnt from the Fit for Life book, have benefited my children, husband and I among other people. My spouse often thanks me for being mindful of how the family feeds and getting them to exercise.

Not only have I managed to keep my body and health in check, but I’m always conscious of keeping on the track of wholesome health forever. Interestingly, many of my former schoolmates get shocked when they meet me. Their comments are “Marjo, you don’t change”… “Marjo, I expected you to be huge” etc.

This year marks 21 years since I joined Sleek and Slender. No doubt, it is one of the best things that re-defined me and my life.

I often thank Jane for having a Vision that has transformed many lives. She sowed a seed that has brought fruit to bear far and wide. May God bless us all. May he keep us motivated as we seek to find wholesome health.



  1. Javira Ssengungu says:

    Its really interesting to be at sleek and slender,the condusive environment,especially the green cover comforts you.
    For me,had an appointment there with mr.Mark Baine,but in few hours spent there,was of a different version

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