I was a mess both physically and emotionally because of weight

April 27, 2021
Burnout: The Secret to unlocking the stress cycle
May 10, 2021
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I was a mess both physically and emotionally because of weight

When JANE BAINE put her career in banking on hold to look after her young children, she ended up putting on so much weight, 20kgs of excess weight. The unfitness caused her knee pain, low self-esteem, stress and sickness. Apart from losing her figure which dented her self-esteem so badly, she had pain everywhere in the back, knees, chronic headaches and all the negative energy that comes with being out of shape.

Before I was 30 years, my body felt so old and I had lost myself! Getting out of bed in the morning was a mission. I was a mess both physically and emotionally. Fortunately, this sent me searching for solutions and this is how Sleek and Slender was birthed.

Together with Lourine Baine her daughter in love, they share personal secrets to staying healthy, stress management, regaining self-esteem, improving attitude and general well being on this YOUTUBE channel.

Subscribe for tips on How to live a balanced life, Physical Fitness and Wellness, every Friday at 12pm, right here on our YouTube Channel.

1 Comment

  1. Juliet Kemigisha says:

    I like the tables

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