Violet’s Sleek and Slender Testimony

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Violet’s Sleek and Slender Testimony

3rd September 2020 waking up with a lot of guilt over my friend Sleek and Slender, the one friend that understood me and stood the odds of time. But I’ve not visited in a months time🤦🏽‍♀️

11 plus years ago with one of my friends, l walked into Sleek and Slender. Little did I know that I was getting another new friend who was God sent (Sleek and Slender). As a young girl at that time, I didn’t need much nor did I understand the power of exercising because I was in shape. In a few years time, I got married and the journey of being a mother and working along other tasks hit in. I woke up and understood that to juggle all this up I had to be in this place every day. It refreshed me, gave me new energy kept my smile and mood high💕 despite all that I had to do as a new multitasking mother at that time.

In 2011, I gave birth to my daughter but, unlike my first child, recovery was very hard. I started losing my memory at a very young age, eyesight issues, continuous tiredness, mood swings, loss of hair, palpitations, ulcerations among other complications. My family was depressed we moved doctors to doctors, hospital to hospital until I was diagnosed with a thyroid problem. After trying all sorts of medications that had a number of side effects on me, I came across a book that I read and the only advice was to exercise and watch my diet and I would kick this problem. The only thing that crossed my mind was the other friend that I had found Sleek and Slender. Note at this time I couldn’t drive myself, neither be on my own for a long time. My husband made a commitment to take me to Sleek every day, wait for me do my exercises, do my meals and take me home. In a shorter time than expected, all my symptoms started disappearing one by one. Blood tests were taken and my hormones were perfectly managed completely off medication.

Never underestimate the power of exercising especially in an ambitious that accommodates you with peace. Long live my friend Sleek and Slender. I pledge never to let you down. Thank you to the proprietor, Auntie Jane.


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